Our Lady of Lourdes is seeking new team members of all ages to serve and participate in our parish ministries. In addition to music ministers, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, and altar servers, we are inviting new team members to join our ushers, greeters, or any of our various ministries we have available.
Anyone wishing to join one of our ministry teams, please call the office for more information or submit the form below. Training will be provided for all ministries.
Baptized and confirmed parishioners above the age of 18 are eligible for this lay ministry. Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and other liturgical events. Team members must be trained and commissioned by our pastor before they may serve in the parish.
Parishioners of all ages are eligible for this ministry. Ushers assist at Mass and other parish functions by helping those in attendance at Mass get seated, and to take up the offerings of the people. Team members will receive training by our pastor before they may serve in the parish.
Parishioners of all ages are eligible for this lay ministry. Candidates must have been baptized and have received 1st Holy Communion. Altar servers assist the priest during Mass and at other liturgical functions. Team members must be trained by our pastor before they may serve in the parish.
The Catholic Christian Family Movement USA is a lay Catholic Movement of the people of God that brings together Catholic families, supported by the assistance of Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Religious.
The Movement is a group of Catholic families that unite their efforts to promote the human and Christian values of the family, so that it is in the community: trainer of people, educator in the faith, aware of its evangelizing mission and committed to development integral part of the community and the domestic church.
An ACTS Retreat is a parish-based event which offers parishioners an opportunity to experience the love of Jesus Christ. This in turn fosters a desire for intentional discipleship.
ACTS Retreats are given by parishioners for parishioners, and in this way, serve to build Christian community at the parish.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Society is a religious association organized by Mexican American Catholic women to provide leadership in social concerns and perform works of charity. The organization’s name derives from Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas.
Everyone is welcomed to join. For more information call the office.
A team ministry responsible for once a week lightly dusting and cleaning of the church.
Life Teen is a movement within the Roman Catholic Church, Life Teen leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
The Diocese of Laredo is proactively engaged, through the education, training, and screening of its clergy,
lay personnel, and volunteers, in maintaining a safe environment for children and young persons in all
its churches, facilities, and sponsored events. If you, or someone you know, has been a victim
of child sexual abuse by church personnel, please contact:
Melinda Sepulveda
Victim Assistance Coordinator
1901 Corpus Christi St. Laredo, TX 78043
(956) 764-7868